Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Tonight is the Christmas party to celebrate a successful first half of our youth group year and to enjoy a little social time as a group before the holiday.

We are looking forward to an evening of bowling with all of you who can attend. For everyone else, we wish you a Merry Christmas. Enjoy some time away from school with your families and remember what Christmas is all about.

On Saturday, December 19th, the youth group will be spending a few hours to share our time with some parishioners who look forward to our visits. We will be delivering poinsettia plants to the home-bound members of our parish. We are grateful to all of you who can help us to complete this service to our church.

Please know that we include you and your families in our holiday wishes and prayers.

See you in 2010!

God of love, Father of all, the darkness that covered the earth has given way to the bright dawn of your Word made flesh. Make us a people of this light. Make us faithful to your Word, that we may bring your life to the waiting world. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

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