Thursday, December 4, 2008

St. Thomas Providing Service

The youth group has been doing a great job helping the community lately. In November we made casseroles for St. John's Hospice. The casseroles that the youth made were served to homeless and hungry people in Philadelphia. The work the group did was surely appreciated especially at this time of year.

Following the casserole cooking event, the High School youth group members met up at Presbyterian Village to play bingo with the residents there. As usual, having our group there with them brightened their spirits. We'll plan to make another trip back in the spring.

Lastly, we have another opportunity to serve our own parishioners coming up for Christmas. On Saturday, December 13th the youth group will be delivering poinsettia plants to our church members who are either home-bound or who have lost a loved one this year. Bringing this gifts to our parishioners is always a special treat not only for those who receive the plants but for all of the youth group members who take part in this event.

If you can make it, please respond to the evite!

Just for Fun...
The youth group has had a great start during the fall and will continue in the Spring. Before we take a break for Christmas, we will celebrate together on Tuesday 12/16. Stay tuned for details about the party!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Schedule Change

Announcement: Due to the weather and to the potential world series game, we will not be meeting on Tuesday October 28.

Middle School will instead meet on Tuesday November 4 at 7:30pm.

The next High School meeting will be on Tuesday November 11.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Election 2008

Every where we look there are signs supporting one candidate or another. Television commercial breaks fill our living rooms with chatter about why to vote for a certain person for president. It is important to pay attention and to take the time to learn about these politicians. But it is easy to get lost amid the chaos the "blame-game."

Joe Anthony and Charlie Tomlinson have put together our next discussion topic: Election 2008. They'll be talking about different issues, what they mean, and how the Catholic Church suggests that we vote.

While most of our youth group participants are not yet old enough to vote, developing an awareness and an opinion is still of value.

Please come to group ready to participate and ask questions.

Election Discussion
October 21 - High School Group

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We've officially resumed meeting!

Don't forget you can find us every Tuesday in the youth group room in the basement of the parish center in Rosemont.

Next Tuesday, 10/14 the middle school group is meeting to play bingo with the residents at Presbyterian Village. We're meeting at 7:00 (not 7:30).

From Villanova University –
Pass Villanova University and football stadium to the next light at Lowry's Lane. Turn right onto Lowry's Lane and follow Lowry's Lane to Conestoga Road. Lowry's Lane becomes Strathmore Drive when you cross Conestoga. (Look for iron gates and pillars at the entrance of Strathmore.) Cross over Conestoga Road onto Strathmore Drive. This road winds around through a residential area. Take the second right onto Cheswick Place (there is a very small sign as you turn that says Rosemont Presbyterian Village). Proceed to the Main Entrance, stay to the right of the fork. Follow the road around to the large parking lot.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Help Needed

On the weekend of September 7, the youth leaders (Joe, Chris and Charlie) will be speaking at the 9:00 and 10:30 masses letting the parishioners know about the youth group, who we are, what we do, and how to get involved. I'd like to hand out flyers to parishioners who are interested and could use your help with this.

If any of you be at either the 9:00 or 10:30 mass that weekend, please meet at the back of the church after mass where Joe, Chris or Charlie will meet you to give you handouts to pass out to the parishioners.

If you can help, please let me know:

Thanks for your participation!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Youth Group Back in Action

As the summer break winds down, the youth group leaders have been working to plan an exciting year for all of the St. Thomas of Villanova youth. We hope to see all of you at the meetings beginning in September.

Remember you are always welcome to suggest to us topics you'd like to discuss, service projects you'd like to attempt, and social activities we should should consider.

We're looking forward to a great new school year with all of you.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions about the upcoming year:

Enjoy the last few weeks of freedom.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bye Bye Jason =(


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End of the Year Party

Hey Gang-

I hope those of you that could make it to the party enjoyed yourselves; I know i sure did. Anyhow, enjoy the photos and have a great summer. There are a few activities planned for the summer, so keep your eyes open to your emails.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pay it forward

Hope you all enjoyed our Pay it forward meetings.

Check out the website

Remember Carpe Diem and "Think of an idea to change the world, and put it into action"

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Presbyterian Village

Hello all-

I wanted to put some pictures of the middle school group at the Rosemont Presbyterian Village last week. We played Bingo and had dessert with the residents. You all made me very proud and i know the residents REALLY enjoyed your company.

Thanks and hope to see you at the next meeting


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week and Easter

Hope all is well.

Enjoy this video as you prepare for Easter Sunday...this is a wonderful time of year for us and we should not forget what it is all about; SACRIFICE, SERVICE, LOVE and HOPE


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Family Appreciation Dinner's

Middle School Dinner

High School Dinner


On Sunday the 2nd, we had our middle school families join us for dinner and on the 9th, we had our High school families join us. I hope everyone who joined us had a good time. Enjoy some photos from the evenings.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Souper Bowl of Caring"

Before the delivery..

After the delivery...

Hello all:

Here are some pictures of the speakers for the souper bowl of caring as well as the shopping and food delivery. I greatly appreciate everyone's help. Great job to our speakers; Sam, Marcus, Hannah and Nicole. Thanks to all the parents who helped with the shopping as well. As you can see from the pictures, the food pantry was EMPTY when we arrived...we left it filled.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Some past photos

Enjoy some of these old photos

- Jason

First Post

Hello all:

This is a new blog i am creating. It will serve to post reminders, post photos of past events and post any messages.

Please check it regularly and let me know if you would like me to add things to it.
