Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Teen Convocation for High School Teens

The Archdiocese is inaugurating the Teen Convocation as part of Catechetical Forum Weekend. High School-aged teens from throughout the Archdiocese will gather for fun and faith formation on Sunday, March 7, 2010 at Archbishop Carroll High School. The details are below. Please join in!

Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Archbishop Carroll High School
Radnor, PA

11:30 am -- 5:30 pm
Teen Convocation:
“Never-ending Story”

* Keynote Presenter – Jim Beckman
* Music – Tom Lelyo
* Workshops – Father Steve DeLacy, Sister Kelly, of the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth
*Father Chris Rogers

* Sunday Mass!
Celebrated by Bishop Timothy C. Senior
$20 fee includes lunch and snacks
Open to all high school teens (grades 9-12)

Office for Catechetical Formation
www.archphila.org/catechetical * 215-587-3760

Friday, January 15, 2010

Serving Others

One of our youth group volunteers, Joe Anthony, posted this quote on his Twitter page this week:

"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

This is the perfect sentiment for our discussions over the past two weeks. I hope you all remember that every day you have the opportunity to do something that matters. You don't have to change the entire world, just affect someone's world. 

I challenged the middle school group to really think about their day-to-day behaviors and make an effort to complete random acts of kindness. To encourage you all to keep kindness at the forefront of your day, I will reward you for doing so. Each week, you are welcome to tell me that you went out of your way to affect change in someone's day. If you truly went above and beyond, that week, I'll give you an extra raffle ticket. You'll have a better chance at winning our weekly prize by simply taking a few moments to do something for someone else that week.

So, over the course of 2010, be sure to be aware. Be aware of those around you. Be aware that you have opportunities every day to “do small things with great love.” And that by doing those small things with great love and intentions, you can make a big difference.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year

It is a new year. With the new year come new resolutions. This year, I am encouraging all of you to make a resolution to do more for each other. Take the time each day, week, or month to consider the opportunities you have to make a difference and then do it.

As a group we will have plenty of opportunities to serve others. I ask that you join in as many service projects as you can. The more the merrier.

I look forward to a wonderful 2010 together.

1 Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms

Act 20:35
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'